

Project officially starts on the 6th July in Donaueschingen, Germany at the source of the Danube River.  

07/07/14 Ulm, Germany. Project hosted by Donau Büro 

09/07/14 Regensberg, Germany. Project hosted by Ostdeutsche Galerie 

11/07/14 Passau, Germany. Project hosted by Kapfinger Immobilien Projekt und Management GmbH 

13/07/14 Linz, Austria. Project hosted by Tabakfabrik Linz 

17/07/14 Vienna, Austria. Project hosted by Westlicht Galerie 

19/07/14 Bratislava, Slovakia. Project hosted by Photoport Gallery 

21/07/14 Esztergom, Hungary. Project hosted by Rondella Galéria 

22/07/14 Budapest, Hungary. Project hosted by the Capa Centre 

24/07/14 Osijek, Croatia. Project hosted by Gallery Kazamat 

26/07/14 Novi Sad, Serbia. Project hosted by Gallery sokzadruga 

28/07/14 Belgrade, Serbia. Project hosted by U10 

30/07/14 Belgrade, Serbia. Project hosted by Supermarket 

03/08/14 Ruse, Bulgaria. Project hosted by Elias Canetti House 

5/08/14 Bucharest, Romania. Project hosted by Plastilina Gallery 

Project officially ends on the 11th August in Tulcea, Romania, at the Danube Delta.